Tag: christian women

5 Lies the Enemy Tells Creative Women (and How to Overcome Them)

How many times have you felt like you’re not talented enough, your work doesn’t matter, or you’re not cut out to be an entrepreneur? These lies can hold Christian women back from fully pursuing your passions and living out your purpose.

When those thoughts start creeping in, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, procrastination, or even giving up on your dreams altogether. But what if I told you that those lies are holding you back from the abundant life and thriving business God has in store for you?

As someone who’s been there, I know how paralyzing those thoughts can be. But through prayer, studying God’s Word, and surrounding myself with a supportive community, I’ve learned how to silence the self-doubt and step into my calling with confidence. And friend, I want the same for you!

So, let’s expose these lies together and replace them with the truth of God’s promises. Get ready to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to chase after your God-given dreams with boldness and joy!

Lie #1…You’re not talented enough.

The first lie the enemy tells Christian women is that we’re not talented enough. He whispers that our skills are inadequate, that we’ll never measure up to the “real” artists or entrepreneurs out there.

But here’s the truth…You have been given unique gifts and abilities, and they are not a mistake! In Exodus 31:1-5, we see how God filled Bezalel with His Spirit, giving him the wisdom, understanding, and skill to create beautiful things for the tabernacle. Just like Bezalel, you are appointed to use your creative gifts for a greater purpose.

Tap into your talents and trust that you will be equipped with everything you need to succeed. For example, if you’re a photographer, remember that you have a unique eye for capturing beauty and telling stories through your lens. If you’re a writer, know that you have the ability to craft words that inspire, encourage, and transform lives.

Lie #2…Your work doesn’t matter.

He tries to convince us that our creative work are just hobbies or a waste of time.

Look, your work matters! In Colossians 3:23-24, Paul writes, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Your creative work has value and significance, even if the world doesn’t always recognize it.

For instance, if you’re a graphic designer creating beautiful images and layouts, you’re reflecting creativity and excellence. If you’re a musician writing songs that evoke emotion and connection, you’re using your gifts to impact others and bring more beauty into the world.

Lie #3…You’re not cut out to be an entrepreneur.

He makes us doubt our abilities and question whether we’re really supposed to be pursuing this path.

But remember, if you have a dream in your heart to use your creative gifts in business, then you are absolutely cut out for it! Don’t let doubts and fears hold you back from stepping into your calling.

For example, if you feel called to start a business that creates products with inspiring messages, trust that you will be guided and provided with the resources and opportunities you need. If you dream of starting a design studio that reflects your aesthetic and values, know that your creativity can be used to impact lives and make a difference.

Lie #4…You have to compromise your integrity to succeed.

The fourth lie the enemy tells Christian women is that we have to compromise our integrity to succeed in business. He whispers that we need to water down our message, blend in with the crowd, or engage in unethical practices to get ahead.

But the truth is, you are called to lead with authenticity and shine a light in your industry. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Your values are not a hindrance to your success; they are your greatest asset! Trust that you will be guided and provided for as you build a business with integrity.

For instance, if you’re an interior designer, you can choose to work with clients who appreciate your thoughtful, purposeful design principles and create spaces that reflect beauty and intention. If you’re a coach or consultant, you can incorporate your values and mission into your services to help your clients find true transformation and purpose.

Lie #5…You’re all alone in this journey.

He tries to isolate us and make us feel like no one understands our struggles or supports our dreams.

But the beautiful truth is that you are never alone! God has given you a community of fellow believers to encourage, inspire, and uplift you. In Hebrews 10:24-25, we’re reminded to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Surround yourself with like-minded creative women who will pray for you, support you, and cheer you on as you pursue your God-given calling. Join a local or online group of entrepreneurs who can relate to your experiences and offer wisdom and encouragement. Attend conferences and workshops where you can connect with other creatives and learn from their journeys.

Remember, you are never alone when you have God and a supportive community by your side!

Friend, I hope you’re encouraged to silence the lies and step into your calling with confidence. Remember, you are talented enough, your work matters, you are cut out for entrepreneurship, you don’t have to compromise your integrity to succeed, and you are not alone in this journey.

Let these truths sink deep into your heart and mind, and don’t let the enemy’s lies hold you back from fully pursuing the passions and purpose God has placed within you. You’ve got this, because God’s got you!

Now, would you rather listen to this post instead of reading it? I’ve recorded it just for you on The Virtuous Creative podcast!

Click here now to listen to The Virtuous Creative podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast while you’re there, so you never miss an episode of encouragement. 


God Calls and He Provides

I often struggle with feeling creative enough to accomplish the tasks I believe God gives me. I worry about coming up with new and good ideas full of exciting content that others will want to read. I am sure that my fellow creatives often face similar battles. Recently, I was reminded of some wonderful passages of scripture that help when I start doubting. Mainly because they remind me it all points back to God and His good gifts to us. None of it depends on what we can do in and of ourselves.

If God has called us to write, compose music, draw, paint, or develop any type of artistic content, then He has already provided everything we need to walk in obedience to that calling.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will, to the praise of his glorious grace, with which he has blessed us in the Beloved. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace, which he lavished upon us, in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery of his will, according to his purpose, which he set forth in Christ Ephesians 1:3-9 (ESV)

Reading the above passage always encourages me to know that God already placed in me every spiritual blessing. According to His word, we are equipped with every spiritual gift we need for the calling. We can overcome every temptation to give up or compromise our creative gifting. As we see in this next passage, we have the mind of Christ and the wisdom of God. So, we don’t have to lean on our finite minds to generate inspiring content.

Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual person judges all things but is himself to be judged by no one. “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:12-16 (ESV)

Learning to lean on Him for all our inspiration removes the pressure we place on ourselves. Then we are free to simply walk out our calling in the peaceful knowledge that He directs our thoughts and ideas. At the end of the day, let us remember that our Creator designed us to create. He has given us all that we need. We can achieve everything He has planned for us and create amazing content to share because of Him.

Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O Lord, you know it altogether. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it. Psalm 139:4-6

The Fight to Stay Relevant

As a creative, do you feel the pressure to constantly create relevant content? Do you feel the pressure to come up with new ideas to grow your platform? Are you overwhelmed trying to maintain your social media following? What are the best ways we can fill our pages with new and trendy topics?

If you are like me, you probably have been confronted with at least one of these questions. When we give in to that line of thinking, those questions can play in a nonstop loop in our minds. Even as we generate new material, we often second guess ourselves. We question our ability to produce material people will like. If they do not relate to or do not like it, then we risk losing our audience. While creating and maintaining a platform is vital for creatives, we cannot allow fear to dominate our thoughts. When we allow that fear to govern us, we succumb to the pressure of pleasing people. We risk losing the authenticity of our art. Instead of co-creating with God, we try to manufacture content based solely on what we think our audience wants.

Art created solely with the purpose of growing a list of followers may attract new people in the beginning, but when we trust our own ideas, we lose the authenticity of the work. That platform we labor to build will not last. Only what we create through the wisdom and insight God gives us will impact others for the Kingdom.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Prov. 3:5-6 (ESV)

Instead of working in our own strength to reach people, we must trust God to reach those He wants to reach through.

Allow God to guide the inspiration for our art. Do not let the desire to cater to our audience be the driving force for what we create. Contrary to what our current culture dictates, creatives do not need to be constantly posting, sharing, or developing material for general consumption. Sometimes we need to step back from all the busy to find out what message God wants to release through our work. That can mean slowing down to focus on other areas like our families, or friends, or taking a slower pace during the holidays. Whatever the reason, give yourself permission to take that time without feeling guilty or worrying that you might lose your platform. When we submit and allow God to build it, He will be faithful to show us how to sustain what He creates through our work.



Why Christian Creatives Need Community

The more I have pursued writing, the more I realize what a solitary endeavor it can be. As an introvert, I thought I would be totally fine. Over recent months, I discovered that, despite my introverted preferences, I still need community in a big way. God shows me daily how much I rely on those around me in my journey as a writer. Even when I don’t want to interact in person, I need the support of my people. None of this creative work we do would have any substantive meaning without community. As we read in the following verses, we see God intends for us to be in community and fellowship with each other.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

If this is His design for us as believers, then certainly we need to extend the same principle in our work. God does not expect us to live or create in a vacuum. Although we may sit alone at our computers when we pen the words He gives us, or draw and paint the images He shows us, or play the melodies He sings to us, we do not accomplish the work alone.

I’ve been thinking about this for weeks and it seems like everyone around me shares the same message. What a reminder to me how important that message is to all of us. We cannot do this work without community. As I pondered my thoughts for this article, one of the authors I follow on social media posted these words.

“Writers (creatives) need encouragers, prayer warriors, mentors, colleagues, friends, family, inspirers, readers (consumers), and everyone in between. Life wasn’t meant to do alone, and neither is writing (being a creative).” From author Natalie Walters

I have found this to be so true for me. Every step of the way God provided people to walk alongside me. Each time I reached in my work when I did not know how to move forward, God brought someone into my life who helped me figure it out. I have been absolutely overwhelmed with His goodness. He knows just who and what we need at exactly the right time.

Whether you work as an artist, a writer, a composer, a singer, or an entrepreneur, remember that you are not meant to do it alone. If you lack community, pray, and ask God to bring you into contact with your people—the ones He ordained to walk this journey with you. He has certainly done that for me, and I know He will for you as well.

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:11-12


At His Word

I think the title of this post is my new favorite phrase right now. “At His Word” reminds me that Jesus is the one who makes all things possible even when we want to give up. Recently, I read through Luke chapter five and one of the most often repeated bible stories came alive for me in a new way. Here is the account from Luke 5:1-6 when Jesus sat in the boat teaching the crowd and what followed:

On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on him (Jesus) to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, 2 and he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. 3 Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. 4 And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” 5 And Simon answered, “Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets.” 6 And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking.

I have read this passage many times. I always think of the fish and the nets overflowing and how excited the fishermen must have been after not catching anything all night. After their unsuccessful trip they were ready to stop, go home, probably rest, and make plans for the next fishing trip. However, that’s not what happened. This time Jesus was there, in the midst of their circumstances. That changed everything.

Jesus told Simon to push out into the deep to fish. Simon told Jesus they had toiled all night and not caught anything (as if Jesus didn’t already know), but “at your word,” we go again. Their nets were so full, they overflowed and broke. What made the difference? Jesus did! His presence. His word. Because He said so, Simon was willing to try again. They had done all they could, used all their training and skill, but came away empty handed. They did everything right, but Jesus made all the difference. Now I don’t know whether Simon thought, “I will do it and show you it won’t work.” Was he simply acting out of obedience even though he may have doubted their success? Or was he fully stepping out in faith trusting in Jesus? We don’t truly know what Simon was thinking. We just know he acknowledged he was doing it because of the word Jesus spoke.

Why did the simple phrase “at your word” grab my attention this time? I thought about the many times I have tried things my own way, in my own timing and my own strength and they didn’t work. Even though I was weary from my efforts, I know there are instances when God told me to try again. As creatives, we pour ourselves into our work and often face rejection. We don’t get that publishing contract, record deal, or whatever we are working to achieve. However, this story reminds me to be ready so when God tells us to go back and do it again, we are willing to obey. We must have the faith to trust that if God tells us to do it again, He has a blessing on the other side for us.

How many times have we tried to complete a project? How many times has our work been rejected? How often have we gotten discouraged when we didn’t see the results of our hard work pay off? It happens so often; we probably want to give up. Like Simon, we might be doing everything right with all the knowledge, training, and skill we have, yet we still come up empty handed. we see someone else succeeding and we decide to copy what they are doing since our efforts have failed. Maybe we see the success of others and decide to copy what they are doing, hoping that will make the difference. I can tell you it absolutely will not. God doesn’t give each of us unique gifts and abilities so we can copy someone else.

God wants us to walk in relationship with Him so that when He speaks to us, we hear His word and know exactly what to do and when to do it.

When He tells us to try again, be willing to step out one more time “at His Word” just like Simon did. Although, we may be reluctant to step out because of previous failures, trust Jesus when He speaks. If we are doing what we are called to do, we must not give up. One day, God will speak and put His word into action over the situation and breakthrough will come. We will see Ephesians 3:20 in action with “him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us…” Doors will open, divine appointments will happen when we least expect them. At His Word Jesus can fill our nets. At His Word He can bring dead things back to life.

Keep trying and don’t give up so when your “at His Word” moment happens you will be ready to pull your net in. If Simon had not still been in position with the boat, the net, and the other fishermen, he would not have been in place to receive that Word, act on it and then pull in the overflow.

How to Overcome Feeling Stuck

What happens when you feel like you are stuck in a rut creatively? Whenever I feel like I am stuck, I find myself doubting my ability to create anything at all ever again. Where did the new ideas and inspiration go? Where is the motivation?

As a creative artist, I believe we need to keep ourselves open to the Creator who inspires us. Sometimes, it may feel like we’ve lost that inspiration or even the joy of creating and it has simply become another task to check off our to-do list. I honestly do not believe that is the best way to function when we are partnering with God in the gifts, He has placed within each of us. I also know in this world we live in, we have so many other responsibilities that pull on our time and energy, that distract us from the creative work we want to do.

We all have different reasons why we might feel stagnant in our creativity. Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to take a break. I have compiled a list of ideas that have helped me when I have hit a wall in my writing.

*Listen to music that inspires

*Read a book or article or blog you enjoy

*Look at other creatives that inspire us in a different medium

*Talking through ideas may help bring clarity

*Do something completely unrelated for fun – go for a walk, exercise, connect with a friend…etc.

*Pray for wisdom, seek God’s direction for your project.

Sometimes, we must simply be still, listen, pray, and wait for God’s guidance. Learn to be patient and give yourself grace. Do not rush the work. You can learn a lot in the midst of waiting that can be incorporated into your work. Our creative work is not about checking off boxes for the sake of saying we are productive. We should focus on the inspiration God gives us and when we do that, we will be able to produce the best work because it’s not about what we can contribute, but about what God wants us to do.

How to Apply Value to Your Creativity

Value is something we typically seek in business, but do we seek this within ourselves and our work? As creatives, we must see this value in order to fully prosper and thrive to our highest potential. When we take on a project, the world may ask us: “What will you do with that?”, “How will you be successful?”, “How will you make money?” and more. These questions should be addressed with grace, but not taken to heart as they show no reflection upon us or our work.

Creative, you are valuable. The opinion of others does not matter because that is essentially all that it is. It is merely an opinion, not a fact. In addition, the root of these opinions vary as not everyone has meaningful intentions for us. Therefore, we have to remember that when we feel that there is no one else to support us, that God is our biggest supporter along with ourselves.

Your worth isn’t measured by opinions or questions but by the heart and faith you pour into your craft. For in God’s eyes, and in the heart of your purpose, you are invaluable.

As stated in Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, do it from the heart for The Lord and not for people. You know that you will receive an inheritance as a reward. It is Jesus you are serving.” One’s work is something that one should believe in wholeheartedly before, during, and after the creative process. Because in the end, that is all that matters in this world and above.

When we value ourselves and our work, this pleases God as He was pleased with his own creation- us. If He was pleased with His work, then there is no reason that we shouldn’t be of ours. Value is pleasing and important and so are we. Value is a measure of worth and benefit that both come from oneself. When one truly understands and believes in this concept, the benefits within one’s soul outweigh the burden of others.

How Comparison Hinders Creativity

I am always excited when I have a vision for a project that utilizes my creative abilities. However, I have also noticed one major obstacle that hinders my progress every single time—comparison. I believe many creatives have the tendency to compare not only our art, but ourselves to other art and creatives around us.

We naturally consume the art others create and that can take many forms from books, to movies, to music, and more. We fall into the trap when we start to compare because comparison kills creativity. Why is that? Because once we start comparing what we create, we end up trying to fit in, or measure up to, or even copy what others are doing. God didn’t bestow gifts and talents upon each one of us so we can duplicate what others create. That will impede our creative process and stifle our ability to listen and produce what God intends for us to share.

Often, instead of simply enjoying the art of others, we decide what they are doing is better than anything we can create. As a result, we either try to alter our work or even to stop creating all together. We believe the lies saying our work won’t be good enough. We convince ourselves that someone else’s voice carries more weight than ours – that they can say it, draw it, write it, or sing it better than we ever could. So, why should we even keep trying? Here is why: God created diversity in each one of us. So, even though we might share similar talents, our expression of that talent will be completely different than someone else’s. It’s supposed to be that way. Different does not mean better or worse.

Consuming other creative work is great! But the trap? Thinking someone else’s brilliance dims yours.

If God desired sameness, He would have created everyone the same. Our expression of the vision and message He gives each one of us reflects our unique individuality. In addition, we each have access to various audiences based on our spheres of influence. While I may write a book with a similar message as someone else, we will not reach the same people. It takes all of us. God has given each one of us creative visions and gifts that are perfectly suited for the message and the audience we have.

So, let’s stop being so hard on ourselves in comparing our work, thinking what we have created does not measure up. We are partnering with the Master Creator. If we keep our hearts attuned to His voice, we will express His message in the unique way He designed for each one of us.

Protecting Your Vision

Every year I look forward to creating my own vision board and even attending vision board parties if there are any. Those can be so much fun and enlightening to say the least. One year, I attended one of those parties. I was so excited to share with a small group of like-minded women of my short-term/long-term goals and hopes.

When it was my turn to share, you can tell the excitement of how big I smiled. I was so hopeful. You just had to be there.

After sharing with them my vision board, unexpectedly, I got a laugh and a scuff. Two reactions I did not see coming. I was told I was unrealistic, and my focus should be about my husband. Here is my disclaimer before I go any further. I love being married. My goals would include the one I love and those who mean so much to me. My goals also are about how I can obtain the purpose God has given to me. No paper or poster can really say that. Our purpose in life is like an unfolding mystery. God reveals this to us in due time. Relationship with God reveals purpose alone.

Back to my story. Doubt was cast and even the laughter made me feel pretty low. My hopes to become a mom and a social worker, among other aspirations, were somehow unattainable because of their doubt. But here’s what I gained from my experience:

1. Everyone cannot handle the vision God gave you.

2. Everyone is not for you.

3. The vision God gave you is for you, and doesn’t involve the haters, doubters and naysayers.

4. In this situation, it may have been premature to share what I have been praying for in private.

Although I felt the doubt temporarily, I prayed to God and also spoke to my husband about what I saw for my life. I knew my goals were not going to be achieved in a year. I have faith but I am also have wisdom. It came to a point where I had to decide between believing God or believing someone who isn’t omnipotent. To alleviate my fears and worries, I gave it back to Him; the Author and Finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:2)

I share my story to say, know the difference between what is true and what is false. What God has showed you is what is true. Protect your vision.

Nehemiah also protected the vision God gave to him as he set off to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He told no one what God placed on his heart to do (Nehemiah 2:12). Sometimes we need to take a page from the prophet’s book and hold on to what God gave us. There is a season for everything and what God has plan to come to pass will happen in due time.

If God has given you a vision for your business, make a plan. Write it out. Pray to God first and then move accordingly.


You’re Human – Please Don’t Be Hard on Yourself

There are many tasks to manage almost every day. Deadlines. Assignments. Projects. Emergencies. etc….

With time moving so quickly, there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to get everything done and also take care of ourselves. This can cause us to neglect ourselves and also have our work fall behind. This isn’t something our creative souls should be vulnerable to.

As creatives, we like to grow, thrive, discover, and maintain peace. This is where we flourish and find delight in our successes and impacts. But what happens if we begin to struggle maintaining these elements inside of ourselves? Our creative spark can begin to fade.

With many expectations in society, it seems that our soulful light is always trying to be dimmed. We are given many unrealistic rules and expectations that it can feel like no matter how hard we try; it never seems to be good enough. When our light is diminished, darkness can seep through. This is where pressure comes through in these kinds of situations and depths. Many of us tend to internalize what we are going through as well until the point where we can’t take it anymore. This will lead us to not feel good about ourselves or the work that we create. These negative thoughts then become more and more difficult to control and can cause us to hit rock bottom.

Creative, if this is you, there is hope. There is a way to reach the surface and see the sun again for the only way to go from here is up.

Jesus offers us comfort through God in Matthew 11: 28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find reset for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” These words are comforting as the loyalty from Jesus was pure and true. No matter how disrespected, ridiculed, or tormented Jesus was, he remained loyal and faithful to God, and he is to us as well. Therefore, do not be afraid to seek out comfort from God and lead by the example of Jesus because who we are and what we do are more than enough to them.

So please don’t be hard on yourself, creative. It is essential to remember that what society declares is not what God declares. When we are strong and when we love ourselves, that is when we can create works of art and accomplish our creative goals. When we feel good and encourage ourselves positively then our light will be ignited and will radiate from us.

We will rise above the deep depths of darkness and onto a beautiful surface of opportunity. And in order to do this, all we have to do is try our best. If you are trying your best, then you are already doing enough. We must do what we are able to and accept what we can do so that when we begin our next project, we will continue to rise and not fall.

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