How to Overcome Feeling Stuck

What happens when you feel like you are stuck in a rut creatively? Whenever I feel like I am stuck, I find myself doubting my ability to create anything at all ever again. Where did the new ideas and inspiration go? Where is the motivation?

As a creative artist, I believe we need to keep ourselves open to the Creator who inspires us. Sometimes, it may feel like we’ve lost that inspiration or even the joy of creating and it has simply become another task to check off our to-do list. I honestly do not believe that is the best way to function when we are partnering with God in the gifts, He has placed within each of us. I also know in this world we live in, we have so many other responsibilities that pull on our time and energy, that distract us from the creative work we want to do.

We all have different reasons why we might feel stagnant in our creativity. Sometimes we need to give ourselves permission to take a break. I have compiled a list of ideas that have helped me when I have hit a wall in my writing.

*Listen to music that inspires

*Read a book or article or blog you enjoy

*Look at other creatives that inspire us in a different medium

*Talking through ideas may help bring clarity

*Do something completely unrelated for fun – go for a walk, exercise, connect with a friend…etc.

*Pray for wisdom, seek God’s direction for your project.

Sometimes, we must simply be still, listen, pray, and wait for God’s guidance. Learn to be patient and give yourself grace. Do not rush the work. You can learn a lot in the midst of waiting that can be incorporated into your work. Our creative work is not about checking off boxes for the sake of saying we are productive. We should focus on the inspiration God gives us and when we do that, we will be able to produce the best work because it’s not about what we can contribute, but about what God wants us to do.

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