How to Ask for a Mentor

So, you’re looking for a mentor?

Well, there are a few things to consider…

The first step is to ALWAYS lead with value.

Having a mentor is not an opportunity to “take” what you want.

Your mentor wants to know what you bring to the table.

What can they learn from you as well? How can you help them?

Do your research. 

Don’t send a vague email to a potential mentor that seems like you just want to “pick their brain.”

Take the time to do your research about them from their website.

Watch their videos. Sign up to their email list + find out valuable info from their socials.

Be clear on why you would like them to mentor you. Again, don’t be vague.

Share your goals with your mentor.

Value their time. 

Time is precious and chances are your mentor is busy. Don’t waste their time with questions that add no value.

Respect their time. 

Again, your mentor is busy.

Don’t stand them up for a scheduled meeting or show up late.

Lastly, don’t get mad or excessively contact them if you don’t hear a response right away from them.

I hope this is helpful for anyone out there who may be stuck on reaching out to someone for mentorship.

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