How to Apply Value to Your Creativity

Value is something we typically seek in business, but do we seek this within ourselves and our work? As creatives, we must see this value in order to fully prosper and thrive to our highest potential. When we take on a project, the world may ask us: “What will you do with that?”, “How will you be successful?”, “How will you make money?” and more. These questions should be addressed with grace, but not taken to heart as they show no reflection upon us or our work.

Creative, you are valuable. The opinion of others does not matter because that is essentially all that it is. It is merely an opinion, not a fact. In addition, the root of these opinions vary as not everyone has meaningful intentions for us. Therefore, we have to remember that when we feel that there is no one else to support us, that God is our biggest supporter along with ourselves.

Your worth isn’t measured by opinions or questions but by the heart and faith you pour into your craft. For in God’s eyes, and in the heart of your purpose, you are invaluable.

As stated in Colossians 3:23-24, “Whatever you do, do it from the heart for The Lord and not for people. You know that you will receive an inheritance as a reward. It is Jesus you are serving.” One’s work is something that one should believe in wholeheartedly before, during, and after the creative process. Because in the end, that is all that matters in this world and above.

When we value ourselves and our work, this pleases God as He was pleased with his own creation- us. If He was pleased with His work, then there is no reason that we shouldn’t be of ours. Value is pleasing and important and so are we. Value is a measure of worth and benefit that both come from oneself. When one truly understands and believes in this concept, the benefits within one’s soul outweigh the burden of others.

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