How Comparison Hinders Creativity

I am always excited when I have a vision for a project that utilizes my creative abilities. However, I have also noticed one major obstacle that hinders my progress every single time—comparison. I believe many creatives have the tendency to compare not only our art, but ourselves to other art and creatives around us.

We naturally consume the art others create and that can take many forms from books, to movies, to music, and more. We fall into the trap when we start to compare because comparison kills creativity. Why is that? Because once we start comparing what we create, we end up trying to fit in, or measure up to, or even copy what others are doing. God didn’t bestow gifts and talents upon each one of us so we can duplicate what others create. That will impede our creative process and stifle our ability to listen and produce what God intends for us to share.

Often, instead of simply enjoying the art of others, we decide what they are doing is better than anything we can create. As a result, we either try to alter our work or even to stop creating all together. We believe the lies saying our work won’t be good enough. We convince ourselves that someone else’s voice carries more weight than ours – that they can say it, draw it, write it, or sing it better than we ever could. So, why should we even keep trying? Here is why: God created diversity in each one of us. So, even though we might share similar talents, our expression of that talent will be completely different than someone else’s. It’s supposed to be that way. Different does not mean better or worse.

Consuming other creative work is great! But the trap? Thinking someone else’s brilliance dims yours.

If God desired sameness, He would have created everyone the same. Our expression of the vision and message He gives each one of us reflects our unique individuality. In addition, we each have access to various audiences based on our spheres of influence. While I may write a book with a similar message as someone else, we will not reach the same people. It takes all of us. God has given each one of us creative visions and gifts that are perfectly suited for the message and the audience we have.

So, let’s stop being so hard on ourselves in comparing our work, thinking what we have created does not measure up. We are partnering with the Master Creator. If we keep our hearts attuned to His voice, we will express His message in the unique way He designed for each one of us.

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