Author: Danielle Delaney

Danielle Wallace is the founder of The Virtuous Creative. She's also the CEO, copywriter and video marketer of Chayil Media Publishing where she helps online coaches flip facts into sales-driven narratives.

5 Lies the Enemy Tells Creative Women (and How to Overcome Them)

How many times have you felt like you’re not talented enough, your work doesn’t matter, or you’re not cut out to be an entrepreneur? These lies can hold Christian women back from fully pursuing your passions and living out your purpose.

When those thoughts start creeping in, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison, procrastination, or even giving up on your dreams altogether. But what if I told you that those lies are holding you back from the abundant life and thriving business God has in store for you?

As someone who’s been there, I know how paralyzing those thoughts can be. But through prayer, studying God’s Word, and surrounding myself with a supportive community, I’ve learned how to silence the self-doubt and step into my calling with confidence. And friend, I want the same for you!

So, let’s expose these lies together and replace them with the truth of God’s promises. Get ready to be encouraged, equipped, and empowered to chase after your God-given dreams with boldness and joy!

Lie #1…You’re not talented enough.

The first lie the enemy tells Christian women is that we’re not talented enough. He whispers that our skills are inadequate, that we’ll never measure up to the “real” artists or entrepreneurs out there.

But here’s the truth…You have been given unique gifts and abilities, and they are not a mistake! In Exodus 31:1-5, we see how God filled Bezalel with His Spirit, giving him the wisdom, understanding, and skill to create beautiful things for the tabernacle. Just like Bezalel, you are appointed to use your creative gifts for a greater purpose.

Tap into your talents and trust that you will be equipped with everything you need to succeed. For example, if you’re a photographer, remember that you have a unique eye for capturing beauty and telling stories through your lens. If you’re a writer, know that you have the ability to craft words that inspire, encourage, and transform lives.

Lie #2…Your work doesn’t matter.

He tries to convince us that our creative work are just hobbies or a waste of time.

Look, your work matters! In Colossians 3:23-24, Paul writes, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Your creative work has value and significance, even if the world doesn’t always recognize it.

For instance, if you’re a graphic designer creating beautiful images and layouts, you’re reflecting creativity and excellence. If you’re a musician writing songs that evoke emotion and connection, you’re using your gifts to impact others and bring more beauty into the world.

Lie #3…You’re not cut out to be an entrepreneur.

He makes us doubt our abilities and question whether we’re really supposed to be pursuing this path.

But remember, if you have a dream in your heart to use your creative gifts in business, then you are absolutely cut out for it! Don’t let doubts and fears hold you back from stepping into your calling.

For example, if you feel called to start a business that creates products with inspiring messages, trust that you will be guided and provided with the resources and opportunities you need. If you dream of starting a design studio that reflects your aesthetic and values, know that your creativity can be used to impact lives and make a difference.

Lie #4…You have to compromise your integrity to succeed.

The fourth lie the enemy tells Christian women is that we have to compromise our integrity to succeed in business. He whispers that we need to water down our message, blend in with the crowd, or engage in unethical practices to get ahead.

But the truth is, you are called to lead with authenticity and shine a light in your industry. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Your values are not a hindrance to your success; they are your greatest asset! Trust that you will be guided and provided for as you build a business with integrity.

For instance, if you’re an interior designer, you can choose to work with clients who appreciate your thoughtful, purposeful design principles and create spaces that reflect beauty and intention. If you’re a coach or consultant, you can incorporate your values and mission into your services to help your clients find true transformation and purpose.

Lie #5…You’re all alone in this journey.

He tries to isolate us and make us feel like no one understands our struggles or supports our dreams.

But the beautiful truth is that you are never alone! God has given you a community of fellow believers to encourage, inspire, and uplift you. In Hebrews 10:24-25, we’re reminded to “consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Surround yourself with like-minded creative women who will pray for you, support you, and cheer you on as you pursue your God-given calling. Join a local or online group of entrepreneurs who can relate to your experiences and offer wisdom and encouragement. Attend conferences and workshops where you can connect with other creatives and learn from their journeys.

Remember, you are never alone when you have God and a supportive community by your side!

Friend, I hope you’re encouraged to silence the lies and step into your calling with confidence. Remember, you are talented enough, your work matters, you are cut out for entrepreneurship, you don’t have to compromise your integrity to succeed, and you are not alone in this journey.

Let these truths sink deep into your heart and mind, and don’t let the enemy’s lies hold you back from fully pursuing the passions and purpose God has placed within you. You’ve got this, because God’s got you!

Now, would you rather listen to this post instead of reading it? I’ve recorded it just for you on The Virtuous Creative podcast!

Click here now to listen to The Virtuous Creative podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. And don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast while you’re there, so you never miss an episode of encouragement. 


Faith-Fueled Habits for Christian Entrepreneurs

Daily habits are an absolute non-negotiable when it comes to shaping your life and business.

As I inch closer to celebrating four years in my copywriting and brand storytelling business, I can’t help but think about the role habits have played in my journey. And so, I thought about digging into some daily habits that will not only deepen your spiritual walk but also elevate your entrepreneurial dreams in the most glorious way. So, let’s jump in!

Faith-fueled actions can lead to extraordinary results. Today, let’s focus on one actionable step we can take towards our creative goals and commit it to prayer.

One of my favorite ways to start the day is by counting my blessings and expressing gratitude to God for His infinite goodness. Over the years, I’ve developed a morning routine that centers around appreciation. As soon as I wake up, even before I’ve had my first sip of coffee, I take a few quiet moments to reflect on the abundance that surrounds me. It’s an uplifting way to recognize the grace and favor that permeates my life.

I also find that journaling amplifies my sense of thankfulness. Writing down what I’m grateful for not only helps me remember God’s blessings but also makes me more aware of them in my day-to-day life. It’s like holding a magnifying glass up to the goodness of God. The more I express gratitude, the more I notice the small and big blessings that I might otherwise take for granted.

Along with this, I find solace in meditating on His promises. Whether it’s a verse from the Bible or a message I felt Him impress upon my heart, these reminders of His unwavering love and faithfulness serve as anchors for my soul, especially during challenging times.

This habit, inspired by Psalm 118:24, “This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it,” sets a positive tone for my day. By starting my mornings steeped in gratitude, I feel more grounded, optimistic, and ready to face whatever the day brings. After all, a heart full of thanksgiving is a wonderful platform for a day full of promise. I’ve also found that one of the most effective ways to ensure a productive day ahead is by planning it in advance.

About 30 minutes before I wrap up my workday, I take some time to plan for the next one. But this isn’t just about jotting down to-dos or penciling in meetings. It’s a thoughtful process that involves inviting God into my decisions and creative tasks.

Here’s what it typically looks like for me: I start by reflecting on my goals for the upcoming day. What tasks are most important? What deadlines are approaching? Where do I need to allocate most of my energy? Then, I take these considerations to God in prayer. I ask for His guidance and wisdom, trusting Him to lead me in making the most of my time and talents.

During these moments of prayerful planning, I often find clarity and a renewed sense of purpose. I’m reminded that even in the busiest of days, God is with me, guiding each step I take. Proverbs 16:3, which says, “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans,” has been a great source of comfort and encouragement in this respect.

Including prayer in my planning process does more than just organize my day; it infuses it with a spiritual perspective. As I align my tasks with my purpose and seek God’s guidance in my plans, I find that my workday becomes not just about getting things done, but about serving God and others through the work I do. This way, my planning becomes more than a routine—it becomes a spiritual discipline that strengthens my relationship with God and centers my work on Him.

Prayerful planning is an opportunity to lay your desires at God’s feet and invite Him to shape your path.

Now, in the midst of a busy entrepreneurial life, I’ve learned the importance of intentionally carving out time for spiritual nourishment. It’s not always easy, given the demands of running a business, but I firmly believe that tending to my soul is just as crucial—if not more so—as tending to my business.

For me, this daily nourishment takes a variety of forms. It involves diving deep into the Bible, savoring the wisdom and guidance found in its pages. I may study a specific book, focus on a particular verse, or simply read a passage and meditate on its meaning. I’ve found that immersing myself in God’s Word not only fuels my faith, but it also often offers insight and inspiration that I can apply in my business.

I also like to read different devotions that align with my current season in life or business. Then there are days when I choose to listen to uplifting podcasts or sermons. The wisdom, teachings, and testimonies shared in these can be incredibly inspiring and uplifting, reminding me of God’s presence and provision in my entrepreneurial journey.

As an entrepreneur, I appreciate the immense value of social media. It’s an incredible tool for connecting with potential clients, sharing my journey, and promoting. But like many powerful tools, it’s a double-edged sword. Without proper boundaries, it can easily consume too much time and energy, or even lead to unfavorable comparisons or negativity.

Over the years, I’ve learned to set healthy boundaries with my social media usage. For me, this starts with being intentional about when and how I use these platforms. Instead of allowing it to permeate every free moment, I decide on specific times to engage with social media and stick to them. This could mean setting aside an hour in the evening for updates and interactions, and then closing the apps for the rest of the night.

But it’s not just about limiting screen time; it’s also about cultivating a healthy mindset towards social media. This means focusing on purposeful interactions, seeking to inspire others with my posts.I also recommend that you guard your heart when navigating these digital spaces. It’s all too easy to fall into the comparison trap, especially when every post seems to highlight someone else’s success. Remind yourself that social media is often a highlight reel, and that everyone’s journey – including their challenges and success is unique.

So, I’ve got to admit that I’ve always been a big believer in the power of personal development. The journey towards growth and improvement, both personally and professionally, is a continuous one. One of the ways I invest in my personal development is by reading.

Whether it’s a book about entrepreneurship, a Christian-themed book, I constantly seek out resources that can broaden my perspective, improve my skills, or deepen my faith. I’ve found that reading not only fuels my knowledge but also sparks creativity, provides insight, and fosters empathy – all of which are invaluable in my work and life.

I also set aside quiet moments for reflection. This can be as simple as reviewing my day before bed, meditating on scripture, or journaling about my experiences and thoughts. These reflective moments offer me a chance to gain self-awareness, assess my growth, and align my actions with my values and goals.

The words of 2 Peter 3:18 inspire me in this journey: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” I take this to heart, striving each day to grow not just in my professional expertise, but also in my understanding and experience of God’s grace.

One thing I try to do is maintain a certain degree of flexibility in my schedule. This means recognizing that not everything will go according to plan and being willing to adapt when necessary. It also means allowing space for spontaneity, for those unexpected opportunities or moments of inspiration that don’t neatly fit into a predetermined schedule.

And most importantly, I’ve learned to prioritize rest. Contrary to what our always-on, hustle-centric culture might suggest, rest is not a luxury—it’s a necessity. It’s an opportunity to recharge physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s a time to step back, reflect, and gain fresh perspective. And it’s a way to honor our bodies and minds, acknowledging our human limitations and the need for balance.

Personally, I spent too much of my time in go-go mode and not resting as I should when I worked in TV news. My mind felt like it was always on. That was one of those things that I didn’t want to take into my life as an entrepreneur. I find great comfort and encouragement in Jesus’s words in Mark 6:31: “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Jesus understood the importance of rest, both for Himself and His disciples. I tell people, if you think you can’t find moments of rest, then just think of Jesus taking a nap in the middle of the storm.

For me, it’s not enough to simply run a business; I strive to make it a vessel for spreading God’s love. I seek to weave His love and values into my services, and messaging. Whether it’s through infusing ethical practices into my operations or creating a work environment that fosters kindness and respect to my team members and clients, I want every aspect of my business to reflect God’s light. I see my business as a way for sharing His love with others, and it’s a privilege to use my entrepreneurial endeavors as a means of glorifying Him. Colossians 3:23 serves as my guiding principle, reminding me to work with all my heart as if I am working for the Lord Himself.

It’s so important for me to keep in mind that the resources entrusted to me are not solely for my benefit, but also for the advancement of God’s kingdom. I prioritize managing these resources wisely, making informed decisions that align with God’s principles. Effective budgeting, tracking expenses, and understanding the importance of saving and investing are integral parts of my business practices. Luke 16:10 serves as a constant reminder that faithfully managing the little entrusted to me opens doors for even greater opportunities.

Joy is a compass that guides my entrepreneurial journey. I make a conscious effort to maintain a positive mindset, celebrating both small and big achievements along the way. I find joy in the process itself, appreciating each step of the journey rather than solely focusing on the destination. When faced with challenges or doubts, I remind myself of the joy that comes from pursuing my God-given dreams. Nehemiah 8:10 inspires me to find strength and joy in the Lord, regardless of external circumstances. With joy as my compass, I can navigate the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, spreading positivity and inspiring others to embrace joy in their own lives.

Faith-fueled habits aren’t just about productivity – they’re about nurturing our souls.

Hopefully, this is helpful for you. At the end of the day, daily habits truly have the power to shape your life and business.

Now, I want to hear from you. What daily habits have had the most significant impact on your life and business? How do you integrate spirituality into your entrepreneurial journey? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.

How to Overcome Burnout as a Christian Creative

Burnout has a way of easily sneaking up on you. It’s hiding behind your painting easels, laptops, and sewing machines. But guess what? With your faith, some self-care, and a whole lot of God’s grace, you can overcome it.

As a copywriter and brand storytelling strategist, I spend my week swimming in a sea of words, ideas, and strategies. I dart between crafting compelling narratives, to shaping brand identities, all while equipping you here at The Virtuous Creative. By the time Friday arrives, my mind often feels like an overused sponge—thoroughly wrung out and gasping for some replenishing moisture. Can you relate?

Personally, I’ve found solace in a few restorative activities including exercise, fresh air, journaling, practicing hand lettering. These may sound simple, even mundane, but don’t underestimate their power! And so, keeping that in mind, let’s jump into more ways to overcome burnout and rekindle the joy in our creative journey.

1. Spot those warning signs

Every creative knows that the details matter. In the same way, pay close attention to the subtle signs your body and mind might be giving you. Burnout often begins quietly, perhaps as constant tiredness, an inability to sleep, forgetfulness, or even just a persistent feeling of sadness. You might feel less motivated, less inspired, or find it harder to concentrate. These are your body’s warning signs, just like the flickering light of a candle about to go out. Remember Matthew 11:28, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” When you’re weary, it’s not a signal to push harder, but a call to rest, recharge, and reconnect with your Source of strength.

2. Self-Care matters 

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), and self-care is the art of preserving and maintaining this temple. This can be as simple as designating a quiet day at home, watching your favorite movie, or trying a new recipe. Don’t forget mental and emotional self-care too. Start that book that’s been gathering dust on your shelf or write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. The process of translating feelings into words can be therapeutic and offers you a new perspective.

3. Boundaries are your best friends

Listen, I know you’re often wearing many hats. You might be a graphic designer juggling multiple clients, a potter with a bustling Etsy shop, or a blogger continuously researching and writing. It’s essential to draw your work-life boundary line with the confidence of an artist sketching her masterpiece. Remember, even God set boundaries when creating the world, separating the heavens from the earth (Genesis 1:7). Boundaries are not only okay—they’re necessary and healthy. So, follow His example and don’t feel guilty about it. Your work will benefit from you being at your best, and you can only be at your best when you’re well-rested and balanced.

4. Keep the faith

In the whirlwind of creative entrepreneurship, it’s easy to forget to nurture your spirit. Yet, your faith is your anchor, your compass, your source of strength. Set aside some quiet time each morning for prayer or Bible study, just like Jesus did. This spiritual primer to your day can make all the difference. When you begin your day with God, you’re reminded of His love, His promises, and His strength that carries you, especially on the tough days.

5. Find support

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the mountain of fabric swatches, the endless blog drafts, or the countless jewelry beads, don’t hesitate to reach out. Seek and give support, be it from a friend, a mentor, or a therapist. Share your struggles, your doubts, your victories. Not only will you feel less alone, but you might also find that your story inspires and encourages others who are on a similar journey.

6. Embrace the Sabbath

The Sabbath is more than just a day off—it’s a day of rest, joy, and celebration of God’s creation (Exodus 20:8-11). It’s an invitation to stop, to breathe, to delight in the world around you. So, once a week, put down that camera, close your laptop, leave your studio, and step outside. The Sabbath is a reminder that we are human beings, not human doings.

7. Get creative with your creativity

If you’re a professional illustrator, try baking a new recipe. If you’re a wedding planner, explore painting. Engaging in different creative activities outside your work can spark new ideas and approaches. It’s like adding new colors to your palette—it keeps your creativity fresh and vibrant! These creative side projects could also turn into a relaxing hobby that you look forward to, providing a break from your usual routine.

8. Balance

Now, it’s a given that you’re passionate about our work. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance between passion and practicality Just like a perfectly balanced composition in a photograph or a well-structured story, balancing work, rest, and play in our lives creates a harmonious rhythm that wards off burnout. It’s about knowing when to press on and when to pause, when to give and when to receive, when to work and when to rest.

9. Mindfulness and gratitude 

Just as an artist pays attention to every detail and a writer chooses every word carefully, be mindful of each moment. Whether you’re sipping your morning coffee, sketching a new design, or praying, be fully present. This can lower stress, increase enjoyment, and promote a greater understanding of yourself and your emotions. And also, express gratitude. Gratitude is the art of seeing and celebrating the good in every situation. It’s a joy multiplier, a perspective changer. Express gratitude for the blessings, big and small, in your life. Write them down in your journal, say them out loud in your prayers, or share them with a friend.

10. Embrace community 

Find or form a group of like-minded Christian creatives—whether it’s local or online—where you can share experiences, exchange ideas, pray together, and support each other. This is just one reason why I started The Virtuous Creative. Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”

In a community, you’re not just giving—you’re also receiving. You’d be surprised how much encouragement, inspiration, and strength you can draw from others. Plus, it’s always more fun to navigate the peaks and valleys of the creative journey with companions by your side! This mutual support and encouragement can be an incredible balm against the burnout that can come from feeling isolated or overwhelmed.

So, there you have it, my virtuous creatives! Ten things to add to your anti-burnout kit. But remember, just like any masterpiece, overcoming burnout doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process, a journey, a work-in-progress. It takes patience, practice, and a whole lot of grace. But trust me, it’s worth it. Your creative work has the power to inspire, to uplift, to transform. So, take care of yourself, because the world needs your creativity, your vision, and your unique expression of God’s love.

Now, I want to leave you with this verse from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Yes, even overcome burnout. With His strength, His love, and His grace, you’re not just surviving – you’re thriving!

Grace Over Guilt: 12 Questions to Help You Keep Boundaries in Business

When I started my copywriting and brand storytelling business, I wasn’t great at setting or maintaining boundaries. I’d let people book meetings with me at any time during the week and I’d find myself working on tasks that weren’t initially part of our agreement. But over time, I learned the importance of guarding my calendar, making sure that everyone stuck to the outlined scope of work – and that my communication methods were clearly understood.

These days, any meetings on my calendar can only be on Tuesday-Thursday between the hours of 11-5. Why? Because I need my mornings to focus on my best writing and strategy work. And let’s be real, who likes Monday meetings anyway? As for Fridays, I like to reserve those for working on my marketing content and admin tasks for my business, online magazine, and personal brand.

Entrepreneurship can be challenging, but it’s even more difficult without healthy boundaries. Trust in God’s plan for your business and prioritize your well-being along the way.

Now, setting boundaries isn’t always easy, especially when it comes to guilt. And if you’re a people-pleaser, it’s natural to feel guilty when saying no or setting boundaries. However, it’s important to let go of those feelings and remember that you’re not being selfish, you’re prioritizing your own needs. This is exactly why I want to help you get through this with these questions. I’d highly recommend grabbing a notebook to journal out the answers.

Inviting the Holy Spirit your boundary-setting process

  • What does it mean for you to invite the Holy Spirit into your work as an entrepreneur?
  • How do you currently incorporate prayer and discernment into your business decisions?
  • In what ways do you feel the Holy Spirit has already guided you in your business, and how can you lean on that guidance in your boundary-setting process?
  • What specific boundaries do you need to set right now, and how can you ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern what those boundaries should be?

Letting go of guilt 

  • Have you ever received pushback from clients or team members when setting boundaries in your business?
  • What specific boundaries did you set that made you feel guilty, and why?
  • How did those guilty feelings impact your sense of self-worth, and what truths from the Bible can you draw on to counteract those feelings?
  • What steps can you take to let go of guilt when setting boundaries in the future?

Prioritizing rest in your business 

  • What does rest look like for you, and how can you include more rest into your daily and weekly routines?
  • What specific boundaries do you need to set to prioritize rest, such as scheduling regular days off or setting boundaries around work hours?
  • What tasks or responsibilities can you delegate or outsource to make more time for rest?
  • How can you communicate your boundaries around rest to your clients or team members, and how can you reinforce those boundaries when they’re challenged?

Don’t let the fear of disappointing others keep you from setting boundaries in your business. Your time and energy are precious, and you deserve to use them in ways that bring you joy and fulfillment!

Hopefully, these questions are helpful for you to reflect on. And listen, please note that you’re having boundaries isn’t a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and self-care. Also, remember that it’s not a one-time event.

Setting and maintaining boundaries takes practice, patience, and self-awareness to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in your business. And get this? When you prioritize your own well-being, you’ll be better equipped to serve others and make an impact with the gifts God has given you.

Spring Forward with Journaling: 7 Prompts to Connect with Your Faith and Goals

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring. For some reason, the longer daylight hours energize me, and it brings me joy to workout or take walks after work as part of my evening routine. Speaking of my evening routine, I also wind down with a good book and journaling.

As someone who has always been obsessed with journals and putting my thoughts onto paper, I have discovered countless benefits to incorporating journaling into my daily routine. Not only does it help me stay organized and accountable, but it also reminds me of my spiritual journey and the blessings that God has bestowed upon me.

That’s why I want to share with you seven journal prompts for March, that will hopefully help you connect with your faith and embrace the opportunities of this season:

1. Reflect on how you’ve grown and changed since the beginning of the year. What new skills have you learned, what goals have you accomplished, and what challenges have you faced? How has your faith helped you through these experiences?

2. Write about what spring means to you. What are your favorite spring traditions, and how can you incorporate them into your work and daily life?

3. Write about a time when you felt stuck or stagnant in your business or creative projects. What steps can you take this spring to revitalize your work and find inspiration?

4. What are your top three goals for the spring season? How can you break these goals down into smaller, achievable steps, and how can you incorporate your faith into this process?

5. Write about a time when you experienced a sense of awe or wonder in nature. How did this experience deepen your faith, and how can you continue to connect with the natural world this spring?

6. Describe a time when you faced a difficult decision or challenge in your work. How did your faith guide you through this experience, and what lessons did you learn?

7. Write about one small step you can take each day to prioritize your mental and emotional health this spring. How can you find balance and take care of yourself while pursuing your entrepreneurial goals?

Spring has a way of bringing us all out of hibernation and into a season of growth and change. With these journal prompts, you can feel refreshed, reflect on your journey, and connect with your faith on a deeper level. Get ready to blossom!

Curious about what I’m learning every week on my creative journey as it relates to faith, self-care, and entrepreneurship?

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Rising Above: Conquering Comparison and Envy as a Christian Creative

We all know that the entrepreneurial journey can be tough, but it can be especially challenging when we compare ourselves to others and fall into the trap of envy.

But as a Christian woman, you have the power to rise above these negative thoughts and emotions and embrace your unique path. Here are some practical tips to help you deal with comparison and envy in your entrepreneurial journey:

1. Lean on your faith. Remember that you are a child of God and that He has a special plan and purpose for your life.

  • Start each day by reading a short devotional or scripture that focuses on your identity in Christ and the love that God has for you.
  • Turn to prayer when you feel overwhelmed by comparison and envy. Ask God to give you peace and to help you trust in His plan for your life.
  • Surround yourself with supportive Christian friends and family members who will encourage you and lift you up.

2. Celebrate your unique qualities and gifts. You have been blessed with unique qualities and gifts that make you who you are.

  • Make a list of your strengths and the qualities that make you unique. Reflect on these regularly and embrace your individuality.
  • Celebrate your successes and accomplishments, no matter how big or small. Allow yourself to feel proud of your hard work and dedication.
  • Focus on your own journey and what you’re doing, rather than comparing yourself to others.

3. Practice gratitude. When we focus on the blessings in our lives, it helps us shift our perspective away from negative thoughts and situations.

  • Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for and express gratitude. Start a gratitude journal where you can write down three things you’re thankful for each day.
  • Practice mindfulness and being present in the moment. Pay attention to the little things in life that bring you joy and contentment.
  • Make an effort to express gratitude to those in your life who bring you joy and happiness. This could be sending a thank you note, a text message, or simply telling them in person.

4. Seek support. Building resilience is easier when you have a supportive community.

  • Consider seeking out a mentor or accountability partner who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement.
  • Look for someone who has experience in your industry or has faced similar challenges in their entrepreneurial journey.
  • Join a support group or community of like-minded Christian women entrepreneurs. Connect with others who are on the same journey and can offer encouragement and support.

5. Embrace your uniqueness. Embrace your unique qualities and gifts, and trust in the path that God has for you.

  • Embrace your passions and the things that bring you joy and fulfillment. Allow your creativity to flourish and make time for the things that bring you happiness.
  • Take time to reflect on your values and what’s important to you. Embrace your beliefs and make choices that align with your values.
  • Trust in God’s plan for your life. Remember that He has a special purpose and plan for you, and that everything happens for a reason. Embrace the journey and trust that it will lead you exactly where you’re meant to be.

So, my dear sisters in faith, embrace your journey and celebrate your uniqueness. You are a masterpiece created by God, and there is no one like you. Embrace your gifts and trust in His plan for your life and watch as He blesses you beyond your wildest dreams.

5 Ways to Overcome Challenges in Your Entrepreneurial Journey

As women of faith, we know the power of relying on our Lord and Savior to guide us in our journey. But even with the support of our faith, it’s easy to feel discouraged and overwhelmed when faced with challenges and setbacks in our entrepreneurial journey. That’s why it’s important to build resilience – the ability to recover quickly from difficulties and bounce back stronger.

Here are some practical tips to help you build resilience and overcome challenges in your entrepreneurial journey:

Lean on your faith. The foundation of resilience is having a strong faith and trust in God. Make time every day to connect with your faith through reading scripture, prayer, and surround yourself with supportive people who will lift you up and encourage you.

Celebrate your wins. No matter how small, it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments. This will help boost your confidence and motivation and give you the strength to keep pushing forward.

Focus on gratitude. When we focus on the blessings in our lives, it helps us shift our perspective away from negative thoughts and situations. Take time each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for and express gratitude.

Seek support. Building resilience is easier when you have a supportive community. Consider seeking out a mentor or accountability partner who can offer guidance, support, and encouragement. Surround yourself with people who will lift you up and cheer you on.

Take care of yourself. Resilience requires a strong mind and body, so it’s important to prioritize self-care. Make sure you’re taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health by eating well, exercising, taking breaks, and getting enough sleep.

By incorporating these tips into your entrepreneurial journey, you’ll be building resilience and bouncing back from challenges with grace and determination. Remember, with faith, self-care, and a growth mindset, you can overcome anything that comes your way.

Now, keep shining and never give up on your dreams.

For the Christian Creative: 5 Journal Prompts to Have on Repeat

It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of running a business. But it’s important to take time to reflect on our faith and how it intersects with our work. One way to do this is through journaling.

Here are a few reasons why journaling can be particularly beneficial for Christian creative entrepreneurs:

Process your thoughts and emotions: Running a business can be emotionally and mentally demanding, and journaling can provide a space to process and make sense of your feelings. This can help you to stay centered and grounded, even when things get hectic.

Helps you reflect on your faith: As Christian creative entrepreneurs, our faith should be an integral part of our work. Journaling can help you to reflect on your relationship with God and how you are incorporating your faith into your business.

Provide clarity and direction: Journaling can help you to clarify your thoughts and gain perspective on your goals and priorities. It can also be a helpful tool for brainstorming and problem-solving.

Foster growth and Improvement: Reflecting on your successes and challenges can help you to identify areas for growth and improvement, both personally and professionally.

A form of self-care: Taking time to journal can be a form of self-care, helping you to relax and recharge after a busy week.

Now, let’s get into five prompts that you’re encouraged to have on repeat – to help you reflect on your faith and business.

1. What has been on your mind and heart this week? What has God been teaching you or revealing to you? This prompt is a great opportunity to process any emotions or thoughts you’ve had throughout the week. It can be helpful to write down any specific Bible verses or passages that have stood out to you, or any moments where you’ve felt particularly close to God.

2. Reflect on your successes and challenges this week. What have you learned from both? How can you apply these lessons in the future? It’s important to take time to celebrate our accomplishments, but it’s also valuable to learn from our mistakes and challenges. Reflecting on both the highs and lows of the week can help us to grow and improve as business owners.

3. What are some things you are grateful for this week? How has God blessed you and provided for you? Gratitude is a key component of a healthy faith life. Take time to write down specific things you are thankful for, whether they are related to your business or not. This can help to put things in perspective and remind us of all the ways God is at work in our lives.

4. How have you incorporated your faith into your work this week? What are some specific ways you have sought to honor God in your business? As Christian creative entrepreneurs, our faith should be a central part of how we do business. Reflect on the ways you have tried to honor God through your work this week. This could include things like praying for clients, being honest and fair in your dealings, or using your talents to glorify God.

5. What are some specific things you can pray for as you look ahead to the next week? Are there any specific goals or tasks that you need wisdom or guidance on? Prayer is a powerful tool for Christian creative entrepreneurs. Take time to write down specific things you can pray for as you look ahead to the next week. This could include specific challenges you are facing, goals you are working towards, or anything else that is weighing on your mind.

Hopefully these are helpful for you. I personally have 3 journals. Maybe these types of journals can help you as well:

Morning journal: A morning journal can be a great way to start your day by focusing your thoughts and setting intentions for the day ahead. Free writing in your morning journal after reading the Bible can be a helpful way to process any thoughts or insights that you gained from your time in scripture.

Nightly gratitude journal: Writing down three things you are grateful for each day can be a powerful way to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and focus on the positive aspects of your life. This type of journal can be especially helpful when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, as it can help you to reframe your perspective.

Self-care project journal: A self-care project journal can be a great way to track your progress and stay motivated as you work on taking care of yourself. You might use this journal to write down self-care activities that you have completed, set goals for yourself, or simply reflect on your self-care journey.

Journaling is a great way to process your thoughts and emotions, and these prompts can help you to reflect on your faith and how it intersects with your work as a Christian creative entrepreneur. Take some time to journal at the end of each week,and see how it helps you to grow in your faith and your business.

Sow the Seeds of Success with More Fruits and Veggies for Productivity

We all know that feeling – it’s mid-afternoon, you’re feeling sluggish and unproductive, and you just can’t seem to get anything done. Sound familiar? 

Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. But there’s an easy way to boost your energy and productivity that you might not have thought of – adding more fruits and vegetables to your routine!

First off, let’s talk about why fruits and vegetables are so good for you. They’re packed with nutrients that are essential for our bodies to function at their best. They’re low in calories, high in fiber, and loaded with vitamins and minerals that help us stay healthy and energized.

Now, as Christians it’s important to remember that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). This means that we have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and nourish our bodies with the right foods.

In addition to the physical benefits of eating a healthy diet, there are also spiritual benefits. When we nourish our bodies with the right foods, we are better able to serve God and others to the best of our abilities. In 1 Corinthians 10:31, it says, “So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” By taking care of ourselves through a healthy diet, we can better fulfill our purpose of glorifying God in all that we do.

But how do they help with energy and productivity, you might ask? It’s simple – fruits and vegetables provide the fuel our bodies need to perform at their best. They contain complex carbohydrates, which are a slow-burning source of energy that helps sustain us throughout the day. They also contain plenty of B-vitamins, which help our bodies convert food into energy.

Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your routine can also help you feel more alert and focused. The nutrients found in these foods can help improve brain function, which can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving skills. Plus, the fiber in fruits and vegetables can help you feel full and satisfied, which can prevent those pesky mid-afternoon snack cravings that can distract you from your work.

Not to mention, eating a healthy diet can also benefit your overall well-being, which can in turn help you feel more motivated and productive. When you feel good physically, it can be easier to stay focused and on task. So, by adding more fruits and vegetables to your routine, you’ll not only be fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to perform at its best, but you’ll also be setting yourself up for success as a writer.

So, how can you add more fruits and vegetables to your routine? Here are a few simple tips:

Start your day off right with a healthy breakfast that includes a serving of fruit. Try adding a side of berries or apples as a side. My usual breakfast during the week consists of 2 eggs with spinach and cheese (yum!). 

Keep a stash of healthy snacks on hand, like carrot sticks, apple slices, or a small serving of mixed berries. This way, you’ll have something healthy and energizing to munch on when you need a pick-me-up.

Incorporate more vegetables into your meals. Try adding a side of roasted vegetables to your lunch or dinner or throw some extra veggies into your pasta or stir-fries.

Drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated is key to maintaining energy levels, and adding slices of lemon, cucumber, or berries to your water can help give it a little extra flavor.

As a writer, it’s important for me to have a clear mind and sharp focus in order to produce my best work. Fruits and veggies in particular can help me feel more alert and focused, which can be especially helpful when you’re facing a deadline or tackling a complex writing project.

Now, another thing I want to remember is prepping. Because let’s be real, things can get really busy during the week.

Here are a few tips for prepping fruits and vegetables:

  • Wash and chop your produce as soon as you get home from the store. This way, you’ll have it ready to go when you need it, whether it’s for a quick snack or a meal.
  • Roast a batch of vegetables on the weekend and store them in the fridge. You can then use them as a side dish or add them to salads and sandwiches throughout the week.
  • Keep frozen fruits and vegetables on hand. These can be just as nutritious as fresh produce and are often more convenient, as they don’t spoil as quickly.

So, there you have it! By adding more fruits and vegetables to your routine, you’ll be fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to stay energized and productive. So, go on and get your daily serving of fruits and vegetables – your body (and your business) will thank you!

Curious about what I’m learning every week on my creative journey as it relates to faith, self-care, and entrepreneurship?

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Goodnight, Grind: Setting Boundaries for a Better Evening Routine

As a copywriter and video storytelling strategist who also markets my business, personal brand and digital magazine, I’m no stranger to all of the day-to-day demands that comes with being a creative.

I’m sure you’re not either. You’re always pouring your hearts and soul into your work. But as Christians, it’s important to remember that our ultimate goal isn’t just to achieve success, but to glorify God in all that we do. And that includes setting boundaries and protecting our time in the evening.

Why? Because if you don’t then you’ll start to feel the effects of burnout – which is a common problem for a lot of entrepreneurs, especially those in creative fields. It’s the feeling of being overwhelmed, exhausted, and disconnected from the work that you once loved. And one of the main causes of burnout is a lack of boundaries. When we don’t set boundaries and protect our time, we can easily fall into the trap of working all hours of the day and night, leaving little time for rest and rejuvenation.

But as Christian creative entrepreneurs, we have a unique opportunity to combat burnout by setting boundaries and protecting our time in the evening. When we set boundaries, we’re able to prioritize our physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being. By getting enough rest, staying connected to God, and enjoying our evenings, we’re able to recharge and refresh ourselves. This helps us to avoid the feelings of exhaustion and disconnection that often lead to burnout.

Additionally, by setting boundaries, we can prevent ourselves from overworking and overcommitting. We can prioritize our time, energy, and resources on the most important projects and tasks, instead of spreading ourselves thin. We can also learn to say no to projects or tasks that are not aligned with our mission and values, which is essential to avoid burnout.

So, let’s chat about some ways you can start setting boundaries for a better evening routine.

First things first, let’s make sure you’re actually carving out dedicated time for rest and relaxation. This might mean setting aside a few hours before bed to unwind and de-stress, or it could involve setting aside a specific day of the week for some much-needed R&R. Whatever works best for you, the important thing is to make sure you’re giving yourself the time and space you need to recharge your batteries. Trust me, our business (and your sanity) will thank you.

Another way to set boundaries and protect your time in the evening is to limit your screen time. We love our screens as much as the next person, but that blue light can really mess with our sleep patterns. By cutting back on screen time in the hours before bed, we can help ensure we get a good night’s rest. And who doesn’t love a good night’s sleep?

Now, it’s not just about us – it’s also important to set boundaries with others. It can be tempting to try to do it all and respond to every email or message as soon as it comes in. However, you’ve got to remember that our work is only a part of who we are. By setting clear boundaries and letting others know we’re not available to work after a certain time, we can protect our time and energy for the things that truly matter. This might mean setting office hours or establishing a policy of not responding to emails after a certain time. Whatever works for you, the key is to establish clear boundaries so we can fully disconnect from work and recharge in the evening.

Without dedicated time for rest and relaxation, you’re putting yourself at risk for burning out and losing motivation.

Simply put: Setting boundaries and protecting our time in the evening is super important for Christian women creative entrepreneurs.

By setting boundaries and protecting our time in the evening, we can take care of ourselves physically, spiritually, and emotionally, which will help us to be more effective and efficient in our work.  And by doing so, we can glorify God in all that we do.


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