
Hey there, I’m so glad you’re here. And if we don’t personally know each other, you’re probably wondering “Who is Danielle?” Well, I’m a storyteller at heart who loves to string words together.

As a child, growing up in Atmore, Alabama – I either had a journal in my hand or my nose in a book. I read everything, including encyclopedias. One of my favorite books growing up, especially as a teenager was the Chicken Soup for the Soul Series. By the way, does anyone read those anymore? They were GOOD. I’d always dreamed of sharing my words in one of them.

Back in 2011, while I was in college as a Broadcast Journalism major at Troy University, I self-published my poetry book called “Her Poetic Cinema of Life.” That was the first time I got my feet wet in marketing.

In January 2013, I started working as at TV news reporter. I spent nearly 7 years working in that capacity, covering stories in Central and Southeast Alabama. During those beginning years, I started a blog called “Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman.” It quickly evolved into an online magazine and centered on helping women cultivate a Christ-centered lifestyle. Fast forward to today, “Memoirs of a Virtuous Woman” has evolved into “The Virtuous Creative” where it’s focus in helping you and all the other Christian women creatives who want to boldly show up in life and business, while giving God all the Glory.

In June 2019, I merged my journalistic skills and writing passion to create Chayil Media Publishing, where I help powerhouse coaches flip facts into cohesive, sales-driven narratives. I do this as a copywriter and brand storytelling strategist. This entails done-for-you content for their websites, email campaigns, sales pages, video scripts and social media platforms. On the curriculum side of Chayil Media Publishing, I coach clients who want to learn how to write compelling email copy or amp up their brand stories in marketing.

As a Christian woman creative, I have always felt a strong sense of purpose and calling to use my talents and gifts to make a positive impact in the world. And one of the things I love most is encouraging other Christian women creatives to do the same.

There is something truly special about the way that Christian women creatives can use their gifts and talents to serve others and bring hope and inspiration to the world. And yet, I know that it can be easy to feel self-doubt or fear when it comes to sharing our work and putting ourselves out there.

That’s why I love encouraging other Christian women creatives to boldly show up in life and business. I believe that we have a unique and important role to play in the world, and that it is our responsibility to use our gifts and talents to make a positive impact.

It’s not always easy to be bold and courageous, especially when it comes to sharing our work with others.

But I believe that by showing up and being true to ourselves, we can inspire and encourage others to do the same.

In addition to the personal fulfillment and sense of purpose that comes with using our gifts and talents for good, there is also the added benefit of being able to connect with and serve others through our work. By sharing our gifts and talents with the world, we have the opportunity to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

So if you’re a Christian woman creative, I encourage you to boldly show up in life and business.

Don’t let fear or self-doubt hold you back. You have so much to offer, and the world needs your unique perspective and talents. Remember that you are loved and valued, and that you have the potential to make a real difference in the world.
