6 Journal Prompts for the Holidays

The holidays are a time of year when feelings run high, and emotions can be intense. So, if you’re feeling stuck or overwhelmed during the holidays, try writing out your thoughts and feelings. I’ve found that writing prompts have helped me work through strong emotions in my past.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. What important lesson has this year taught you?

The holidays are a time to celebrate what we have, but they’re also a time to reflect on the year past. What did you learn from this past year that will help shape who you are in years to come?

What did you learn about yourself as a person, or about life in general? How do those lessons apply to your future plans and goals?

2. What types of memories have brought you the most joy this year?

The holidays are a time to celebrate with family and friends, but they can also be a stressful time.

This prompt will help you focus on the positive memories you have this year, so that you’re not overwhelmed by stress during the holiday season.

3. How can you use your experience and skills to be of service to others over the holidays?

The holidays are a time of giving, so why not get involved in the community and give back?

You’ve heard it before: it doesn’t have to be Christmas for you to be kind. But if your schedule allows for some extra good deeds this month, consider using your skills and experience to make someone else’s life just that much better.

4. Have you ever tried a new holiday tradition and incorporated it into your yearly plans? What happened?

If you’re like me and don’t have many traditions, it might be time to try something new! Get creative and come up with something fun that will make this season even more special.

5. What role does gratitude play in your life? How does it impact or change during the holidays?

Gratitude is a powerful tool for making your life more positive. Gratitude helps you:

Feel better

Be more positive

Be more mindful

Be more generous

Be more empathetic

6. Who has had the biggest impact on your life this year? Why have they helped you so much and how can you show them your appreciation?

You should think about people who have helped you, but also include those that have challenged you in some way. If there’s something in particular that they’ve done to help improve your life, describe it and explain why it was important to you.

Think about how to show this person that their efforts were not in vain by giving them an appropriate gift or gesture of gratitude. Don’t worry too much if it’s not something big. Small gestures are sometimes more meaningful than large ones!

Writing down what’s on your mind may help you work through strong emotions.

When life gets overwhelming, writing can be a safe way to express yourself. You can use it to work through strong emotions and get clarity on what you’re feeling or thinking.

Writing may help you deal with negative emotions, such as anger or sadness. It may also help you understand your feelings better if they aren’t clear to you at first glance.

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