3 Biblical Ways to Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Stress can sometimes get the best of us.

My biggest breakdown with anxiety and stress was following the passing of my mom back in November 2017.

I’d experienced this when I was 15 years old when my dad passed, but as an adult, it was taken to a different level – after realizing I had neither of them by my side.

Between all the to-do’s, emotions, and draining job in news at the time, I felt as though my world was completely upside down.

I was constantly thinking “How am I going to do this or that.”

Fortunately, these days are different.

While grief never ends, I’m so thankful for God’s sufficient grace.

I strongly believe that if you don’t master your emotions, they will master you. Managing your stress and anxiety plays a BIG part in our lives.

Here are some ways I have utilized God’s word to help me greatly manage stress and anxiety:

Taking everything to God in prayer – As a believer, prayer is important all the time – not just in difficult seasons. However, when you find yourself in those difficult seasons it’s also important not to just lean into your own understanding.

Meditating on God’s word – One of the things I’m so thankful to have is both of my parent’s bibles. My mom has highlighted tons of things and compiled decades of notes in both of them that have helped me tremendously.

Praise and worship – I know the church hasn’t been the same, since the start of the pandemic, but what’s stopping you from praising and worshiping the Lord right where you are? Turn up your favorite worship music and give thanks and praise right where you are.

Look, if you’re facing stress and anxiety right now…I promise your situation can get better.

Now, life isn’t perfect, but things will get a lot better.

If you find that you need more help in terms of managing your stress and anxiety, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a therapist or leaders in your church.

I’d love to know how you’re dealing with stress and anxiety. Maybe my tips have also sparked some inspiration. 

Drop in the comments to let me know. 

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