Month: December 2023

The Fight to Stay Relevant

As a creative, do you feel the pressure to constantly create relevant content? Do you feel the pressure to come up with new ideas to grow your platform? Are you overwhelmed trying to maintain your social media following? What are the best ways we can fill our pages with new and trendy topics?

If you are like me, you probably have been confronted with at least one of these questions. When we give in to that line of thinking, those questions can play in a nonstop loop in our minds. Even as we generate new material, we often second guess ourselves. We question our ability to produce material people will like. If they do not relate to or do not like it, then we risk losing our audience. While creating and maintaining a platform is vital for creatives, we cannot allow fear to dominate our thoughts. When we allow that fear to govern us, we succumb to the pressure of pleasing people. We risk losing the authenticity of our art. Instead of co-creating with God, we try to manufacture content based solely on what we think our audience wants.

Art created solely with the purpose of growing a list of followers may attract new people in the beginning, but when we trust our own ideas, we lose the authenticity of the work. That platform we labor to build will not last. Only what we create through the wisdom and insight God gives us will impact others for the Kingdom.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Prov. 3:5-6 (ESV)

Instead of working in our own strength to reach people, we must trust God to reach those He wants to reach through.

Allow God to guide the inspiration for our art. Do not let the desire to cater to our audience be the driving force for what we create. Contrary to what our current culture dictates, creatives do not need to be constantly posting, sharing, or developing material for general consumption. Sometimes we need to step back from all the busy to find out what message God wants to release through our work. That can mean slowing down to focus on other areas like our families, or friends, or taking a slower pace during the holidays. Whatever the reason, give yourself permission to take that time without feeling guilty or worrying that you might lose your platform. When we submit and allow God to build it, He will be faithful to show us how to sustain what He creates through our work.



Why Christian Creatives Need Community

The more I have pursued writing, the more I realize what a solitary endeavor it can be. As an introvert, I thought I would be totally fine. Over recent months, I discovered that, despite my introverted preferences, I still need community in a big way. God shows me daily how much I rely on those around me in my journey as a writer. Even when I don’t want to interact in person, I need the support of my people. None of this creative work we do would have any substantive meaning without community. As we read in the following verses, we see God intends for us to be in community and fellowship with each other.

And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25

If this is His design for us as believers, then certainly we need to extend the same principle in our work. God does not expect us to live or create in a vacuum. Although we may sit alone at our computers when we pen the words He gives us, or draw and paint the images He shows us, or play the melodies He sings to us, we do not accomplish the work alone.

I’ve been thinking about this for weeks and it seems like everyone around me shares the same message. What a reminder to me how important that message is to all of us. We cannot do this work without community. As I pondered my thoughts for this article, one of the authors I follow on social media posted these words.

“Writers (creatives) need encouragers, prayer warriors, mentors, colleagues, friends, family, inspirers, readers (consumers), and everyone in between. Life wasn’t meant to do alone, and neither is writing (being a creative).” From author Natalie Walters

I have found this to be so true for me. Every step of the way God provided people to walk alongside me. Each time I reached in my work when I did not know how to move forward, God brought someone into my life who helped me figure it out. I have been absolutely overwhelmed with His goodness. He knows just who and what we need at exactly the right time.

Whether you work as an artist, a writer, a composer, a singer, or an entrepreneur, remember that you are not meant to do it alone. If you lack community, pray, and ask God to bring you into contact with your people—the ones He ordained to walk this journey with you. He has certainly done that for me, and I know He will for you as well.

For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine. Romans 1:11-12


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