Month: August 2023

How Comparison Hinders Creativity

I am always excited when I have a vision for a project that utilizes my creative abilities. However, I have also noticed one major obstacle that hinders my progress every single time—comparison. I believe many creatives have the tendency to compare not only our art, but ourselves to other art and creatives around us.

We naturally consume the art others create and that can take many forms from books, to movies, to music, and more. We fall into the trap when we start to compare because comparison kills creativity. Why is that? Because once we start comparing what we create, we end up trying to fit in, or measure up to, or even copy what others are doing. God didn’t bestow gifts and talents upon each one of us so we can duplicate what others create. That will impede our creative process and stifle our ability to listen and produce what God intends for us to share.

Often, instead of simply enjoying the art of others, we decide what they are doing is better than anything we can create. As a result, we either try to alter our work or even to stop creating all together. We believe the lies saying our work won’t be good enough. We convince ourselves that someone else’s voice carries more weight than ours – that they can say it, draw it, write it, or sing it better than we ever could. So, why should we even keep trying? Here is why: God created diversity in each one of us. So, even though we might share similar talents, our expression of that talent will be completely different than someone else’s. It’s supposed to be that way. Different does not mean better or worse.

Consuming other creative work is great! But the trap? Thinking someone else’s brilliance dims yours.

If God desired sameness, He would have created everyone the same. Our expression of the vision and message He gives each one of us reflects our unique individuality. In addition, we each have access to various audiences based on our spheres of influence. While I may write a book with a similar message as someone else, we will not reach the same people. It takes all of us. God has given each one of us creative visions and gifts that are perfectly suited for the message and the audience we have.

So, let’s stop being so hard on ourselves in comparing our work, thinking what we have created does not measure up. We are partnering with the Master Creator. If we keep our hearts attuned to His voice, we will express His message in the unique way He designed for each one of us.

Protecting Your Vision

Every year I look forward to creating my own vision board and even attending vision board parties if there are any. Those can be so much fun and enlightening to say the least. One year, I attended one of those parties. I was so excited to share with a small group of like-minded women of my short-term/long-term goals and hopes.

When it was my turn to share, you can tell the excitement of how big I smiled. I was so hopeful. You just had to be there.

After sharing with them my vision board, unexpectedly, I got a laugh and a scuff. Two reactions I did not see coming. I was told I was unrealistic, and my focus should be about my husband. Here is my disclaimer before I go any further. I love being married. My goals would include the one I love and those who mean so much to me. My goals also are about how I can obtain the purpose God has given to me. No paper or poster can really say that. Our purpose in life is like an unfolding mystery. God reveals this to us in due time. Relationship with God reveals purpose alone.

Back to my story. Doubt was cast and even the laughter made me feel pretty low. My hopes to become a mom and a social worker, among other aspirations, were somehow unattainable because of their doubt. But here’s what I gained from my experience:

1. Everyone cannot handle the vision God gave you.

2. Everyone is not for you.

3. The vision God gave you is for you, and doesn’t involve the haters, doubters and naysayers.

4. In this situation, it may have been premature to share what I have been praying for in private.

Although I felt the doubt temporarily, I prayed to God and also spoke to my husband about what I saw for my life. I knew my goals were not going to be achieved in a year. I have faith but I am also have wisdom. It came to a point where I had to decide between believing God or believing someone who isn’t omnipotent. To alleviate my fears and worries, I gave it back to Him; the Author and Finisher of my faith (Hebrews 12:2)

I share my story to say, know the difference between what is true and what is false. What God has showed you is what is true. Protect your vision.

Nehemiah also protected the vision God gave to him as he set off to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He told no one what God placed on his heart to do (Nehemiah 2:12). Sometimes we need to take a page from the prophet’s book and hold on to what God gave us. There is a season for everything and what God has plan to come to pass will happen in due time.

If God has given you a vision for your business, make a plan. Write it out. Pray to God first and then move accordingly.


What Does the Bible Say about Balance? And What Does It Mean for The Virtuous Creative?

Hello Virtuous Creatives! I’m back to share words of wisdom and encouragement as you journey in your business life, home life, and your spiritual life. We often try to compartmentalize them in their place (business, personal and spiritual) and sometimes forget to include God in all those areas. For entrepreneurs, there is often a struggle to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Working all day is somehow rewarded or seen as the goal. But what happens when it affects you physically and even spiritually?

Balance is the recurring theme that we speak on often on social media and in conversation with our girlfriends. Why? Because there is power in having balance. The art of balance ultimately falls on prioritizing and using wisdom. Creating balance in life can be challenging, but it is essential for spiritual growth and our overall well-being. God is concerned with you wholistically, for it says in 3 John 1:2 (ESV), “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. He’s concerned about us. God has already laid out plans for each of us specifically. We must hold fast to that truth.

When I think of the word balance, the pan balance comes to mind. Placing too much on one side can take you off balance, leaving the opposite end depleted. Someone once shared with me that ” Sometimes we think balance is categorizing and breaking things up when sometimes it’s getting rid of things”. There often come moments as an entrepreneur when you need to step back, evaluate the priorities that are pulling you in different directions, and determine if they align with your goals. Balance looks different in every season of our lives. What holds the most weight in terms of our priorities?

One of my favorite scriptures of the bible has to be Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (NKJV) I am so encouraged when I remember this scripture in moments of discouragement. It quickens my spirit instantly; As the Word should. It is so easy to apply this particular scripture to our many situations but in context, Paul is not saying that “Rachel can do all the things, she puts her mind to.” 

Empowering but not applicable.

We are not called to do “all the things” my dear sisters. We are called to do the thing He has assigned us to do. We all have a purpose and a calling. The work we do can also divinely intertwine with our calling. I discovered my spiritual gifts often overlap with my work as a social worker and an entrepreneur. There is a necessity to find a balance between the two. I cannot do all the things and expect to be successful. I can feel myself going off balance just thinking about it! We are called to seek His Kingdom first and His righteousness first (Matthew 6:33) . For context, read the prior verse. And it says, “for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things”. Seek God’s wisdom first and ask Him to guide you as you prioritize in the season you are in.

Holding tight to that scripture, also consider these tips to create balance in your current season of life.

  • Prioritize your relationship with God: Spend time in prayer and Bible study to nurture your faith and stay connected to God.
  • Take care of your physical health: Exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and get enough sleep to ensure your body is healthy and strong.
  • Build your community: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who share your values and beliefs.
  • Manage your time wisely: Set priorities, create schedules, and learn to say no to activities that don’t align with your values and goals.
  • Find joy in hobbies and interests: Pursue activities that bring you joy and help you relax, such as reading, gardening, or playing music.
  • Set boundaries: Create clear boundaries between work and personal time. Establish specific work hours and avoid checking emails or taking work calls outside of those hours.


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