Month: June 2023

Your True Purpose as a Creative

I’ve been a writer for years – and just like any Christian creative out there, your purpose is to create. This can be by writing an article, designing a website, clothing, or brainstorming an incredible product. By our creativity, other people’s lives are changed. This is what being a Christian creative is all about and we must remember this purpose whenever we are called by God to share our ideas with others.

As a creative, we have both a mission and a vision when we create. However, there is a special purpose that lies beneath our mission and vision and this purpose is what drives us to do what we do. One may ask, where does this purpose come from?  It comes from our calling and talent given to us by God. God has plans for us all by what we create.

Your unique blend of faith and creativity can move mountains. Your purpose-driven work has the potential to transform lives, and inspire breakthroughs.

Personally, as a writer, I keep in mind that the act of spreading messages through the written word has been one of the oldest forms of communication since the beginning of creation and still stands strong throughout the depths and changes of time today.

And if you’re a writer, then you probably understand where I’m coming from with this. The Lord has spoken to us through the written word as it is a wonderful way for humans to absorb a message. If this is a way God creates and speaks to us, then it is a way we should continue to communicate with others. As said in John 1:1-3, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” Because of this, we can never lose sight of our own purpose and why we write or why we were given the gift to do so creatively.

A Christian creative has a duty. We must continue to do the work of our Almighty God as Jesus did while here on Earth. We see this applied in John 14:10, “Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in Me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.” Jesus guided the people through The Divine Purpose and Word of God. If we follow Jesus’s example, we can continue to do so as well.

Every product, service, word, or interaction has the potential to change someone’s day, challenge their perspective, or spark hope.

Lastly, it’s important to be mindful that if we need inspiration, there are holy writings ready for us to read which we know as scripture. By keeping scripture close by our side and keeping sight of our purpose as we create, our work can journey among others far and wide across the world.

How to Create Content with Confidence

You’ve probably heard the marketing gurus talk on social media about the power of content creation – which is the behind the scenes work every entrepreneur or blogger does to help define who they are to what they do.

It’s all the rage these days, and for a good reason! But let’s be real, it can also feel super overwhelming with all the information out there.

I’m sure you even took a deep breath before clicking on this article. For one, deep down inside you know that you want to muster up the confidence to create compelling content for potential clients or customers.

Afterall, it’s part of the foundation that gives your brand a unique identity and voice. For instance, think about your favorite Instagram pages. What’s your immediate thought? How do the color schemes speak to you? Carousels? Reels? All of these were produced with intention though the creative process of content creation.

Now, although the process of creating is different for all of us, the methods are quite similar. I often think about ways to engage a potential customer/client, but I know that’s not all it is to it when creating content. Creating content with confidence goes beyond the end goal. There are the in between processes you have to take into consideration. I love being intentional about what I produce. Staying true to my faith is important so I’m mindful of trends as well.

And personally, I’m most authentic when I share details in content that’s encouraging or inspiring, entertaining and informational that will benefit one of my customers or followers. As for confidence? Well, my confidence to create content grew over time. Initially, I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. I know in my heart that I wanted to make sure whatever I shared on a social media platform wasn’t stuffy but relatable.

So, as a Virtuous Creative in business, how do you come to the place of creating content with confidence? Well for one, you should always be lead with prayer before action. And by the way, you don’t have to wait as long as I did to create content in your business.

Confidence comes from within. Know that God has equipped you with everything you need to succeed. So, trust in His plan, believe in yourself, and let that your confidence shine through in every piece of content you create.

Start with prayer. Once you take that first step, the Lord will guide you. In addition to prayer, consider the following tips that I’ve learn overtime from my own personal journey:

Know your brand identity – Your brand identity is the visible element of your business. This includes name, logo, colors and design. When you know your identity, the vision for your brand will come quite easy.

Make a plan – Schedule time to brainstorm and jot down ideas. Sometimes we find inspiration from other platforms like Pinterest and Tumblr. Make a plan to create content that will help convey your brand’s voice and vision.

Try it out – Use wisdom when trying out different methods. Every trend is not meant for you. If there is something that you have researched that sparks your interest and aligns with your vision, try it out. We sometimes receive good feedback but do not feel discouraged if you do not receive the outcome you hoped for. Do it scared and do it brave. Don’t be afraid to create your own trend.

Be consistent – Consistency goes hand and hand with making a plan. Scheduling time helps with being consistent also. The goal of consistency will show your community that you are trustworthy and you that you are serious about your brand and business.

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Take risks, try new things, and push those boundaries. Remember, growth happens when you dare to be bold. You never know what incredible opportunities might come your way!

Content creation is your labor, your work of heart that should not be in vain. Yes, it can feel overwhelming at times, but remember, each step you take is a seed planted in the fertile soil of your brand’s growth. Every piece of content you create is a testament to your journey, your faith, and your brand.

Look, the journey of content creation is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s a process of discovery, of finding your voice in this noisy digital world and staying true to your faith. Like the Apostle Paul wrote in Corinthians, “Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.”

So, start now. Don’t wait another day to let your voice be heard. Your audience is waiting to connect with your brand’s amazing products or services. And guess what? The world needs the unique light that only you can shine.

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