Month: July 2022

Daughter of God, How Much Are You Worth?

How much are you worth?

Clothes? We make sure they are protected. We make sure they are free of wrinkles.

Hair? We make sure each strand stays in its rightful place. Makeup? For many of you, it’s essential to have a flawless face no matter how much it costs you. Your self-worth? That’s where many of you stop and neglect the most important thing.

There are so many that aspire to be the Proverbs 31 woman but lack the true meaning of this woman.

She’s undoubtedly strong but today we see a generation of women that hide behind so many things, constantly comparing themselves to the next woman instead of growing in God’s word, gaining wisdom and knowledge.

It’s either a game of comparison among other women or trying to prove to a man that you are worth his time.

Whether you are in college or a woman well into her 30s you know what I’m referring to. Whether you are a married woman with children or a single woman with children, you are aware of the uncertainties and the constant need to be better than the next woman.


You are God’s daughter and there should be no comparison and no searching for worth in another human. When we truly sit at the feet of the Lord we realize this and are humbled to become the daughter God has made us to be.

Here are a few truths for you to remember:

“For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor.” – Proverbs 3:14 – 16

“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” – Psalm 139:13-14


What are you masking right now? Is it self-doubt or past pains? Give those worries and thoughts to the Lord and focus on the important things. Are you settling for less in a relationship? Dig deep in God’s word to realize your worth. You are a queen and a daughter of the most high!

Why Do We Overcomplicate Our Goals?

Overthinking is the worst!

So often in life, we get too caught up in the “what ifs.”


We make stuff too complicated.

I’m sure you can relate.

And while I’ve always been a person who is never afraid to take action, I was stuck overthinking whether or not I should actually publish a podcast in my copywriting and brand storytelling business.

I knew I needed to…

But some sort of weird doubt started creeping in.


Fortunately, I got real with myself and gained tons of clarity through prayer and reflection on one of my walks. 

And now, it’s here – after sitting on my laptop for over a year.

The Storytelling Meets Branding Podcast is the hub for powerhouse coaches who want to boldly amplify their brand using the power of storytelling.

These weekly chats bring me so much joy.

And by the way, you’re welcome to tune in.

Click here to start listening to The Storytelling Meets Branding Podcast. 


Trying to Find Your Purpose? Check Out This Book

Last year, my heart was filled with joy when one of my clients mailed me a gift of appreciation.

It included a refreshing face mask and an incredible book to read.

The book was “Dare to Bloom: Trusting God Through Painful Endings and New Beginnings” by Zim Flores.

It’s such a page-turner. More importantly, it’s a book about literally trusting God through everything.

Throughout the book, Zim recounts her experiences of REALLY stepping outside of her comfort zone and trusting God along the way.

I love Zim’s wisdom about navigating new beginnings.

I’m sure you can relate. Sometimes, fear can get the best of us in different seasons. This book is also a perfect read to reflect on reclaiming your true identity in Christ.

While nearly every page I read, has tons of yellow highlights, this is one of my favorite quotes inside of the book:

“Purpose doesn’t end once we find it; rather, purpose is something that continues to unfold and evolve throughout our lives.” – Zim Flores 

At the end of each chapter, you’ll find questions for reflection.

By the way, the photos inside the book are beautiful!

I hope you’ll check it out. If you do, pop in the comments here and let me know. 

How to Ask for a Mentor

So, you’re looking for a mentor?

Well, there are a few things to consider…

The first step is to ALWAYS lead with value.

Having a mentor is not an opportunity to “take” what you want.

Your mentor wants to know what you bring to the table.

What can they learn from you as well? How can you help them?

Do your research. 

Don’t send a vague email to a potential mentor that seems like you just want to “pick their brain.”

Take the time to do your research about them from their website.

Watch their videos. Sign up to their email list + find out valuable info from their socials.

Be clear on why you would like them to mentor you. Again, don’t be vague.

Share your goals with your mentor.

Value their time. 

Time is precious and chances are your mentor is busy. Don’t waste their time with questions that add no value.

Respect their time. 

Again, your mentor is busy.

Don’t stand them up for a scheduled meeting or show up late.

Lastly, don’t get mad or excessively contact them if you don’t hear a response right away from them.

I hope this is helpful for anyone out there who may be stuck on reaching out to someone for mentorship.

These Are My Tried-and-True Productivity Tips


Some people may argue, that there isn’t enough time in the day or our weekends should be much longer.

But here’s the reality: We must prepare our minds to use our time differently.

It’s certainly easy for us to fall in the traps of distraction these days – from our phones to the neverending feeds of information online. If we’re not careful, we could find ourselves in a swamp of idleness.

I’ve personally deleted Instagram during the day from my phone – and blocked other social media platforms from my laptop to stay focused.

Now, hopefully, these 5 tips will help you boost your productivity, once and for all.

1. Start the day in prayer. Allow prayer to be the first thing you turn to when waking up. Not your phone. Talk to the Lord and find hope in him before you start another day. I promise you will feel less frazzled and better equipped for the day.

2. Read a daily devotional. Right now, I’m reading Paul David Tripp’s “New Morning Mercies” daily devotional. It’s amazing! For myself, reading a devotional in the morning gives me more peace. I also highlight some sections that I read to come back to for further study later that night.

3. Journal your thoughts away. Journaling provides clarity – clearing out all those thoughts that are piled in your head. Grab a journal and just write. It doesn’t have to be perfect and no one has to see it. Write your goals for the day, scriptures, etc.

4. Speak positivity in the air. Going back to your journal – look at the scriptures you’ve written and say them aloud. Just like everything mentioned above, it will boldly prepare you to tackle your day.

5. Listen to a Christ-centered podcast. I have a long list of these podcasts but my absolute favorite right now is “Revive Our Hearts” with Nancy Demoss Wolgemuth. I can count on a daily message that encourages, empowers, and equips me for the day. Do a search for Christian podcasts and see what pops up for you. Make sure it’s biblically sound. Listen as you’re getting ready or while driving.

I hope these tips help if you’re not already in the habit of doing them. If they are, feel free to let me know!

3 Biblical Ways to Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress

Stress can sometimes get the best of us.

My biggest breakdown with anxiety and stress was following the passing of my mom back in November 2017.

I’d experienced this when I was 15 years old when my dad passed, but as an adult, it was taken to a different level – after realizing I had neither of them by my side.

Between all the to-do’s, emotions, and draining job in news at the time, I felt as though my world was completely upside down.

I was constantly thinking “How am I going to do this or that.”

Fortunately, these days are different.

While grief never ends, I’m so thankful for God’s sufficient grace.

I strongly believe that if you don’t master your emotions, they will master you. Managing your stress and anxiety plays a BIG part in our lives.

Here are some ways I have utilized God’s word to help me greatly manage stress and anxiety:

Taking everything to God in prayer – As a believer, prayer is important all the time – not just in difficult seasons. However, when you find yourself in those difficult seasons it’s also important not to just lean into your own understanding.

Meditating on God’s word – One of the things I’m so thankful to have is both of my parent’s bibles. My mom has highlighted tons of things and compiled decades of notes in both of them that have helped me tremendously.

Praise and worship – I know the church hasn’t been the same, since the start of the pandemic, but what’s stopping you from praising and worshiping the Lord right where you are? Turn up your favorite worship music and give thanks and praise right where you are.

Look, if you’re facing stress and anxiety right now…I promise your situation can get better.

Now, life isn’t perfect, but things will get a lot better.

If you find that you need more help in terms of managing your stress and anxiety, don’t be afraid to reach out for help from a therapist or leaders in your church.

I’d love to know how you’re dealing with stress and anxiety. Maybe my tips have also sparked some inspiration. 

Drop in the comments to let me know. 

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